Hi guys! I hope you all had a great weekend! Tonight I'm going to share my list of OUTDOOR activities for my 2 year old son, Aidan. As with my INDOOR post Cheap and/or FREE Indoor Fun for the Kiddos. - I will periodically be posting how to's for some of the activities on the list and will also continue adding more activities as I think of or come across them somewhere. =) So let's get started...
OUTDOOR Activities
- Bubbles
- Swing, slide, etc.
- Park or playground.
- Chalk.
- Kiddie pool.
- Go for a walk.
- Hop scotch.
- Piggy back rides.
- Sand box.
- Sprinkler.
- Waterslide.
- Obstacle course.
- Lawn bowling.
- Lawn Jenga.
- "I Spy"
- "Simon Says"
- "Fishing" in kiddie pool.
- Sports.
- "Paint" deck, sidewalk, fence, etc with water and paintbrush.
- Scavenger hunt.
- Fly a kite.
- "Red light, green light."
- Photo shoot.
- Push in wheelbarrow, pull in wagon, etc.
- Ride-on toys.
- Mud pies or sand pies.
- Paint rocks.
- Play "Car Wash"- wash your car, and/or the kiddo(s) ride-on toy or bike.
- Let him/her help with outside chores.
- Water gun fight.
- Water balloon fight.
- Water balloon toss.
- Visit a zoo or farm.
- Dig for fossils. (Go to $ Tree & buy some dinosaur bones in the toy section, plus a couple paintbrushes. Bury them and let him/her dig for them, using the paintbrush to dust away dirt or sand.)
- Catch some bugs, frogs, tadpoles, etc.
- Geocaching.
- Throw rocks in a creek.
- Catch fireflies.
- Pick berries.
- Plant a garden- flowers, vegetables, etc.
- Bird watching.
- Shaving cream slip and slide.
- Collect cool leaves, rocks, etc- make a shadow box.
- Feed the birds.
- Ding-Dong-Ditch and leave a gift for a neighbor.
- Lay in a hammock together. Read a book or take a nap.
- Balance beam.
- Water balloon target practice on the sidewalk, driveway, etc.
- Play "Tag."
- Race each-other. (Run, hop, skip, crawl, etc.)
- Roll down a hill.
- Play "Follow the leader."
- Hide and seek.
- Climb a tree.
- Think "Easter egg hunt" but use other items- cars, trucks, etc.
- Finger paint on a white/light colored shower curtain.
- Investigate things in the yard or woods with a magnifying glass.
- Dig in the dirt.
- Jump in puddles.
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