Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The TRUTH About Working From Home. PART 1.


     Over the last 8 years I have been on the hunt for the perfect work at home opportunity. I have tried several different companies, lost some money (not a substantial amount, like others I've heard from, due to my naturally weary outlook on life- lol), and wasted some time.

     The truth is, there really isn't a PERFECT opportunity. Kinda like there isn't a perfect anything, in life.  If someone tries to tell you that the biz opp or job opp that they are telling you about is perfect, they are lying. Plain and simple. I don't care if you find an opportunity out there where you can honestly make $10,000 a month putting in part-time hours (NOOOOOOT very likely. If you do find it, please share the info! Bahaha) there's going to be something about it that you do not like or agree with. Nothing is perfect. It just isn't...  The sooner you realize and come to terms with that fact, the better off you will be.

     That being said, let's figure out exactly what it is that you are looking for... Are you looking for a work at home JOB or BUSINESS? What's the difference? Well, for starters...

With a work at home JOB:
  • You will be an Employee. 
  • You will have a schedule.
  • You will have a boss.
  • You will be paid hourly or on commission.
  • You will not have to pay a "start-up cost."  There are some companies that require you to pay for your background check. There are other companies that require you to purchase a head-set, get a land-line phone put in, etc. Some will reimburse you and some will not. But if someone asks for actual "start-up costs" for a JOB, run! You should never, I repeat, NEVER- have to pay someone to work for them. EVER!!!!
With a home-based BUSINESS:
  • You will NOT be an employee.
  • You will NOT have a set schedule. YOU create your schedule.
  • You will NOT have a boss. YOU are your own boss.
  • You will NOT be paid hourly, ever. 
  • You WILL most likely pay a "start-up cost." I hear and read comments from people all the time saying they will not join a company that has a start-up cost or any type of fees whatsoever. Yes, I understand that you are looking for a way to MAKE money and you probably don't have much, if any, money to spare. Yes, I understand that you are afraid of being scammed and don't want to flush what little money you do have, down the toilet. However, you have to understand that if you were to go out and buy/open a traditional brick&mortar store or business of any kind- you would have a start-up fee. You would have overhead costs. How do you think you acquire that building? How do you think you get your supplies? Who you think pays the power, water, insurance, taxes, employees if you have them, etc? YOU DO! That is common sense. So to think you can start any business without having some sort of cost involved- is insane. If you are serious about wanting to start a home-based business of any kind, you need to understand that.
     So which one is better? I'll let you be the judge of that. It really depends on what you're looking for and what the needs of you and your family are. How much money do you need to make? How much time do you have to invest?  How important it is that you make a certain amount of money at a certain time? Are you a self-starter or do you need someone to let you know what needs to be done? Are you a quick learner? How much money, if any, can you invest? Before you decide which option to go with, consider all of these questions very carefully.

     Think those things though and keep an eye out for tomorrow night's post about the pros and cons of home-based businesses as well as work at home jobs. =)


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